My dog Zelda and I have been spending our Sundays at the South Kona Green Market. We are finding not only do we get to get our organic pumpkin noni coconut oil dog treats to other dogs who need it for itching, scratching and licking, but the experience of abundance with those that are becoming our friends who also have their goods at the market is more than a wonderful experience.
We’ve got some awesome Kona Coffee hand picked, sun dried and from our own home here on the Big Island of Hawaii as well. And the dog themed jewelry by Barbara Hanson is the classy stuff dog ladies search for! You can get it on Etsy if you don’t get to live or visit the Big Island!
The real impact of The Green Market came for me this week with observing and interacting with the people who were next me. They were a young couple with a 15 month old baby. They were selling plants, greens and vegetables from their organic farm.
Early on in the day people were buying their great looking plants and vegetables. They sold more than they thought they would all day in the first couple of hours. They were giving things away too. In abundance.
I believe that is why it was all coming back to them.
The guy’s name is Mason. He is tan and kissed by the sun, he is content, he is engaging. He had his family around him. He is inventive and full of knowledge.
For instance when they arrived and began to put up their pop up tent, like everyone has at the market, he realized he had no top to it packed with him. Only three sides. His plants were starting to wilt. He needed shade. So, he used some small pieces of rope he had with him and made a top with the 3 sides.
The way of thinking that has become the normal would have made this problem into a disaster. It would have been having to leave to go get the top and miss the morning customers.
A Different Perspective
It is what I am growing to love about many of the people I meet on the Big Island. Creative, inventive, and an attitude of abundance which usually is not about the kind of car you drive or the size of your home, or the number of clothes you have in your closet.
Mason, love the name because I’m really obsessed with Mason jars these days and the practicality to re-use for storage as well as glassware. We use them as our coffee mugs! Anyway, Mason was also full of huge knowledge he shared freely. He gardens and makes it simple. And he gets the most of food for his family and for the community around him.
He taught me parsley has huge calcium content. I did not know that and it’s one of those things that both women in their midlife years need good sources of, as well as dogs need in a whole food based diet.
There was a lot more tips and tidbits like beets and spirulina have huge iron in them. Some things I knew already, but the reminder is always helpful in a world where food can be so easily marketed to look good so we buy it, but may not have the nourishment we need in it.
Such great information. Good news for those taking care of adrenal and thyroid issues too.
Seed Positive Thoughts and Success will Bloom for You
The other thing I noticed was how the family interacted. They were having fun together the whole time. They were helping one another while they let their kid be a kid and taught her things at the same time. They exuded that they had enough, that they were happy, that they were living in abundance.
Another concept I’ve not lived around all that long. Our society is one where we don’t have enough, we need more money, we need more things, we need something else to be successful, to be happy.
It made me realize I have enough. I have abundance. Once again the lessons of the Big Island are what I was brought here for. I’ve always had these thoughts under it all, but the world wide marketing effect worked on my mind as it does most of us in the Western hemisphere. I have less stuff, by choice, than I have my entire adult life and I feel much more abundant.
How much is enough? What feels like abundance to you? Please join the discussion on G+
Jt Clough lives on the Big Island, Hawaii, and practices health, happiness and natural remedies. Her work at ReVIBE is for people looking to live healthier and happier lives and her passion for it has helped so many to find and do that thing they’ve been talking about/wishing to happen for so long. She is a dog whisperer for our best friends and studies natural dog remedies, nutrition and communication.