Maui Dog Boarding

Why Your Maui Dog Should Not Drink From Mud Puddles

It’s Maui. It’s hot. Keep your dog hydrated. All things we already know.

Dog Mud Puddle Drinking Warning

It also rains. It’s tropical. There are mud puddles.

Dog Mud Puddle

It’s Called Leptospirosis

There are only 100-200 cases of leptospirosis reported in the United States every year. But here’s the deal, 50% of those cases come from Hawaii!

Because of the tropical climate the disease is much more prevalent, giving good reason why Maui dog people should know how to recognize the symptoms and when to get medical attention.

What is Leptospirosis?

Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection transmitted by contact with water or soil that has be contaminated through infected animal urine. More cases occur with heavy rainfall and tropical environments. It is often found in areas with waterfalls and freshwater ponds where bacteria can live for long periods of time.

What are signs of Leptospirosis in Maui Dogs?

The symptoms of leptospirosis are similar to many other viral and bacterial infections. Mis-diagnosis can easily occur.

Be aware of the signs and pay attention to water sources your dog may have drank out of.

Small orange ckmkWeakness and loss of appetite
Small orange ckmkVomiting
Small orange ckmkDiarrhea
Small orange ckmk
Sweating paw pads or chills
Small orange ckmkLoss of appetite
Small orange ckmkRed eyes, squinting from eye pain

If the disease is left untreated, more serious symptoms can develop, including:

Small orange ckmkKidney damage
Small orange ckmkLiver failure
Small orange ckmkMeningitis
Small orange ckmkHeart failure

How to Prevent Leptospirosis in Maui Dogs

dog vaccinationArrow Soft RightThe most effective way to prevent leptospirosis is to restrict a dog’s access to muddy marshy areas, ponds, irrigated pastures, raw sewage and standing pools of stagnant water. 

It’s often hot in Maui and we are conditioned to make sure our dogs get water. When they head for a mud puddle after one the heavy rains, it seems almost wrong to not let your dog drink.

But really, its a bad idea.

There is a vaccine for leptospirosis in dogs. Talk to your vet about those and know you should do your own discovery about how often it is necessary.

Dog leptospirosis vaccine

If you are on an outing, make sure to carry your own water for your dog.

And yes, I DO give my dogs bottled water!

P.S. How about you? What is your dog’s main water source?


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Maui Dogs | Most Favorite of All Time

Maui Dogs

Maui Dogs | My Most Favorite Of All Time In The History of Ever

Favorite things in the world. We all have them. Most of us don’t celebrate them enough. Unless of course you have “that dog” in your life.

Many times no matter what is going on, that certain dog in our lives constitutes, “My Most Favorite of All Time In The History of Ever.”

I’m called upon a lot for two things:  Dog behavior and dog health. What to feed? What’s the healthiest thing that could possibly make my dog live longer? How much and what kind of exercise could lengthen my dogs life? Those kinds of things. Which I truly love answering and being helpful for people and their dogs.

Sure, behavior can be a problem. But let’s face it. We all got issues! And sometimes quite honestly the dog’s issues are really our own issues. But what are we really worried about in life?

Small orange ckmkWhat quality of life do we have?

Small orange ckmkHow happy are we day to day?

Small orange ckmkHow long are we going to live?

Small orange ckmkIs this all there is?

Things to Add To Most Favorite Of All Time Daily List

PawsLife is short. In the last couple of weeks I’ve had two really cool people I know diagnosed with cancer. Another dog, a Chocolate Lab went to rest forever, hopefully in some dog wonderland. He had cancer too, and he leaves behind a Dude that loved him dearly.

So, make it a commitment.

  • Do your most favorite things as often as possible
  • Be with your most favorite people as often as possible
  • And spend as much time with your most favorite dogs as often as possible
  • Exercise as often as possible
  • Eat whole food as often as possible
  • And love yourself all the time
  • And of course love your dog
  • Drink water… and sometimes wine… laugh, enjoy, live every moment to it’s fullest as often as possible
  • Be grateful for your health and every little thing you have

HeartsDo you ever tell your dog, “I love you more than anything ever?”

There’s a reason. Its called unconditional love. Acceptance. Do that for yourself too. Its the hugest lesson ever you can get from your dog.

Get 17 Things Maui Dog People Should Know

Jt Clough Running Dogs Jt Clough lives in Maui, Hawaii and practices health, happiness, natural remedies and training for dogs and their people. Her work at Maui Dog Remedies is for people looking to live healthier and happier lives through their dogs and her passion for it has helped so many to find and do that thing they’ve been talking about or wishing to happen for so long. She is a dog whisperer for our best friends. Her latest publications are Pumpkin Dog Food + Treats Recipes and 5K Training Guide | Running with Dogs.


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Chasing Tails – Buster’s Maui Dog Training Retreat

Maui Dog Training Retreat

Buster rocked his Maui Dog Training Retreat. He’s a Jack Russell Silky Terrier mix. And he loves chasing his tail, butterflies, cars, other dogs, cats, basically things that move. He’s got personality. Big time. And I just love him.

Maui Dog Training on the Chasing Problem

So, the big question. How does one train a dog to temper the chasing deal?

Simple answer. Recall.

Reward or Reprimand

Maui Dog TrainingI know, I know. You’ve tried before and it so seems easier said than done. But a good trainer will create a dog that knows what to do, instead of a dog that is constantly reprimanded for what not to do.

So many things can be used as a reward. Not just a food item, which is the first thing that comes to mind. And many things can be used as a reprimand. The truth of the matter is our attitude, our mindset is the most used reprimand of all.

People tend to take things out on their dogs. Of course without realizing it. We set ourselves up for failure on many levels, whether it be the amount of money we make or the happiness of our relationships or whether our dog’s listen to us or not.

We have been wiring our brains for years to connect with what can’t be done, what isn’t happening, what we don’t have. Media has done a find job of it. Fear not joy is the message. TIME TO RE-WIRE!

Maui Dog Aloha aka Re-wiring the Wag

An open mind to constantly going back to what you want more of changes the whole game. In a dog’s case, the new attitude can be picked up rather quickly actually. They don’t hold grudges and have expectations the way people do!

It’s why showing a dog what to do rather than constantly focusing on what the dog is doing wrong works.

We live on Maui, where there truly is much Aloha if you let it in. I’ve been working my Aloha with dogs for years even while on the mainland. My work here on Maui is to teach how to create a great relationship with your dog by knowing what things to do with your dog and then teaching you how to communicate the reward, the joy, the aloha of good behavior. No bad days and no bad dogs!

Dog Training MauiJt Clough of Maui Dog Remedies is a professional dog trainer, pet industry business coach, health fanatic, and author.  She is a 9 time Ironman finisher, with decades of training dogs and their people to better lifestyles, from behavior modification to fitness and health through natural remedies, mental stimulation and lifestyle choices.  She is an emotional healer through dogs.  Described as a seeker, Jt has an uncanny ability to teach adaptation to change and to take inspired action.


How to Trim Dog Toenails (Even When They Don’t Like It)

Dog Nail TrimmingTrimming Dog Toenails Tutorial

Trimming dog toenails usually isn’t a favorite past time of most dog people, nor do dogs usually jump up and down in delight about it either.

It turns out though, it is way more important to your dog’s health than you may have imagined. And your dog doesn’t like it more from you freaking out about it than anything!

Not only that your dog is in more pain from long nails than from the pawdicure so let’s learn how to be comfortable doing it.

Maui Dog Trainer Advice on Nail Trimming

The dog trainer in my has to say it out loud again. Dogs pick up on emotion before they pick up on anything else. It may be a habit for your dog, this whole not liking it thing, after so many sessions of hating it yourself, but that can change.

That being said, most don’t know how to trim dog nails properly, so here is a video that is very helpful in illustrating how to do it as well as how to deal with your dog if it doesn’t happen to be the favorite activity you’ve ever done together.

Maui Dog Training Retreats and Staycation Boarding – Nail Trimming

Have you ever gone for a run and noticed your toes hurt, then discovered it was because your toenails were too long? How about the times you’ve put those sexy stilettos on and never mind your feet were killing you, but your toes were actually in horrible pain from just a little bit of extra length to make that french manicure look the way it should!

Imagine that is how your dog feels ALL THE TIME, when the toenails are too long. That sucks. And it is why it makes sense that the posture of a dog is compromised because of it. It freakin hurts. To the point they can end up with pain all over their bodies.

I’ve become a nail trimming fanatic when I realized how important it is to how dogs feel every single day. Being one of my own dogs is a Weimaraner with thick nails that grow like mad, I’ve had to become and expert.

Maui Dog TrainingSo, when dogs come into my training retreats and staycation boarding programs they get a nail trim. Buster is a perfect example of a little snark issue that could have been brought on out of body pain. I noticed early on when I ran my hand down his back and towards his hind quarters he winces a bit. He certainly doesn’t like it. I took a look at his toenails. Oh boy. Buster Brown (my nickname for him) had quite the set growing.

His nails are trimmed up now and his person will get the run down on how to maintain it for sure. And I’m still his favorite person even though he didn’t dig it at first he got over it fast.

Dog Training MauiJt Clough of Maui Dog Remedies is a professional dog trainer, pet industry business coach, health fanatic, and author.  She is a 9 time Ironman finisher, with decades of training dogs and their people to better lifestyles, from behavior modification to fitness and health through natural remedies, mental stimulation and lifestyle choices.  She is an emotional healer through dogs.  Described as a seeker, Jt has an uncanny ability to teach adaptation to change and to take inspired action.


Flossie and Maui Dogs

Flossie and Maui Dogs

Maui Dog Training German Short Hair PointerFlossie, a tropical storm predicted to hit Maui early in the morning finally hit about 12 hours later in the early evening hours before sunset.  Lucky for the whole Island including me, my dogs and my dogs in training retreat all is well after heavy rain and losing power, which was quickly restored.

In the hours leading up to Flossie blowing through, what does one do with the dogs?

In the case of Max the German Short Haired Pointer Doberman mix and myself we decided to go for a run.  It was good for both of us.  It wasn’t the full on run I’d normally do with dogs like Max, but that’s the point of the story; doing something is better than doing nothing and sometimes getting a little creative about it is required.

Because we knew there was storm coming, there was no need to load up and head out into possible danger for major running space.  Instead we stayed by the Dog Ohana and ran laps on on the 400 yard long driveway where we live!  The neighbors might have thought we were a little nuts, but Max and I sure did feel a lot better.

With dogs and with people, movement dissipates anxiety.  A little movement is better than no movement.  Instead of choosing to just wait, get those good endorphins moving and have done your preparedness homework early on!

Preparing for Maui Tropical Storms, Tsunamis and Hurricanes

Preparing for Maui tropical storms, tsunamis, and hurricanes is something anyone living on Island should know.  As dog owners we should also be prepared for their safety as well.

It is comes under common sense, but still there are things we should have ready living on an island like Maui.

  • Water – Drinking water is essential.   Make sure to have some for you and for your dog.  We have 5 gallon jugs filled with reverse osmosis water on hand but one of our tips was while we were waiting around for the storm to hit, we filled all the mason jars with filtered water.  Just an extra little supply in case the water was shut off for a period of time due to flooding.
  • Food – Again, living on an Island, water comes into play.  In the case of food, a flood could wreak havoc on your food supply so make sure to have dry food storage.  Keep a sealed plastic container for your storage and even though I’m a great advocate of real whole food for both people and dogs, dry non perishable food is best.  A few days supply of canned dog food will make the space and preservation an easy solution.
  • Identification – Have ID on your dogs in  the horrible case you should get separated.
  • Gasoline – Not a good idea to have a vehicle to get to safer ground but no gasoline.  Make it a habit to never have your tank below 1/2 full.  Just in case!
  • Solar charger – New to the list of disaster preparedness, we operate on cell phones.  Text, calls, news, the whole 9 yards.  Keep your cell charged if you know a weather pattern is coming but research a good solar charger.  You’ll have some connection to what’s going on and your friends and family will be much happier they can at least touch base and find out you are okay.

These are only a few of the full preparedness you should have in place.  Find a full list on pet disaster preparedness here.

Are you prepared? is a great website to build your own kits and be ready to do well in the case our Maui paradise, dogs and all find ourselves weathering a huge storm, expected or not.

Need a little help with your dog to be best dog ever?  Travel off island?  Have a dog with some issues you’d really rather get fixed sooner than later?  Maui Dog Retreats immediate pricing and information, enter your e-mail below and “Get it Now”.


Personalities | Maui Dog Training

Maui Dog TrainingThis week A German Short Haired Pointer Doberman mix and a Sharpei mix have arrived for a Maui Dog Training Retreat. Talk about different personalities! It lends clarity to the fact dog training does not have a cookie cutter formula.

There is not a recipe that can be precisely written out and applied to all dogs. Though I hear it a lot from other professional dog trainers, and there were times in the distant past where I was even guilty of saying the rules of dog training are pretty cut and dried, I have come to understand clearly all dogs are not the same to train.

Dogs have personalities. They have things that make them wag and things that don’t. One may bark like a banshie at the neighbor and the other may go get a prized old sock and insist on giving it to them by jumping up to hand deliver it. Another dog may go hide under the table when anything new is introduced. Even if they were raised together, what one is wild about the other could care less about. And so, training dogs becomes something of a relationship undertaking.

Maui Dog Training for Lifestyle

As dog owners sometimes we forget dogs are not pre-trained. And we really forget that all the babbling human talk we are repeating to them doesn’t make any sense. It is our job as dog owners to take the time to not only show our dogs what to do, which could be classified as training, but understand the temperament or the general way we can bring the best out in our dogs.

For some that could be food. For some it could be play. For some it could be a stricter more disciplined set of tasks to complete. For some its about a lot of organized exercise, or it could be about a daily romp on the beach with the freedom to jump in the water and swim with wild abandon after a stick. And for some it’s really about being super calm and steady.

We finesse these things in our relationships with friends, family, lovers, and co-workers. On a conscious level we get to know these people and we know when to talk, when to be quiet. We know when a physical gesture makes all the difference in the world and when a small gift of appreciation speaks a million words of gratitude. We look to get the pono (goodness, do the right thing) response.

The same is true of our dogs. We just have been buying into the idea that to have a well trained dog, it must look utterly military style and there are only 6 words that should be followed through without fail. Sit, stay, down, leave it, come, and heal.

So not true.  Your dog could be able to do those things and still not be that well behaved companion we’ve created in our mind’s eye.

The Balanced Happy Island Dog

Maui Dog Training LokiMax the German Short Haired Pointer Doberman mix needs some big play time. He loves a food reward. He needs structure and he needs an all out speed racer run or big ass swim in the ocean. It’s what turns him on.

Loki the Sharpei mix needs to be with his person. Physical touch, a soothing voice to go along with some exercise and teaching structured things he knows how to do well bring out the playful guy he is. He needs calm to walk him through his moments of fear of other dogs, or of the leaf that suddenly blew up in his face in the lawn.

It’s a bit of time and understanding and a way to speak dog that explains my philosophy of training dogs. It is why I love doing retreats with dogs. I get to spend that one on one time and bring a dog’s personality out, showing off the best side. Understanding what makes a dog tick, what is their passion is truly he best way to diminish bad behavior, or to help a dog get over fears which on many occasions appear to be aggressive behavior.

Maui Dog Mahalos

Mahalo for spending more time with your dog and wanting to have the best life ever together. If you’d like to know more about my retreats with dogs on Maui, sign up below to get immediate information and be ready for some pawsome-ness for you and your dog.

Maui Dog Training + Running + Retreats + RemediesJt Clough lives in Maui, Hawaii and practices health, happiness, natural remedies and training for dogs and their people.  Her way of communication with both dogs and people is healing and her training is effective physically and emotionally.  She is a contributor to articles in Runners World, Women’s Health and many other publications.