On Being Nice

“She was nice to me so I made something nice for her.”  ~Lucy Hanson

Oh the lessons we learn from children and dogs!  Hoku, a dog who came to my dog training retreat to work on some confidence spent a little time with my favorite little girl Lucy.  Lucy is only 5 years old but has the soul of a wise women.  Listen to her story about Hoku and apply it to who ever you are with today.

On Being Nice First ~ Just Like the Dog Wags Just Because

How many times has someone done something nice to you and you didn’t take the time to do something nice back?  Or how many times have you thought about doing something nice and that’s where it stopped.  You just thought about it.
This includes your dog’s ability to make you smile with the authentic joy of just seeing you come home, no matter what mood you arrive on the scene wearing.

Dogs give us great joy in their ability to except each day as it is and truly revel in moments of joy.  Take note and emulate the behavior. It will reward you greatly.

On Sharing with Others

Pay it forward.  As we receive blessings, of any kind, share those with others. That is the best “return on investment ” we can have.  Love and kindness are the biggest investment.  Do something good for someone, everyday, and the rewards will be much better than any interest rate on a bank account, and amazingly enough this will bring you the abundance you’ve desperately been trying to acquire.

Big Island Dog Beach Shack

This week at Big Island Dog Beach Shack at the Alii Gardens Marketplace Kailua, Kona Hawaii I’m offering a free dog food cooking class.  Our dogs are part of our family and their health and longevity become part of our own joy. *note sign up even if you aren’t in Hawaii, there will be video teaching true nourishment for dogs for you too!

For too long we’ve been excepting big dollar marketing in the dog world as absolute truth.  We’ve been told we MUST feed our dogs kibble because it contains the correct vitamins and minerals for a dog’s well being.  Never mind that there is no other nourishment in the processed food that many times comes from road kill, diseased animals and a whole lot of “meal” products from corn to we’re not sure what it is!  Even a premium dog food is processed, processed, processed and takes a toll over time on the liver.

Adding the right vitamins and minerals is really easy and real food is way more nourishing than any McDoggie kibble diet.

Sign up for my Dog Food Cooking Class and find out how to add things like calcium and omegas and coconut oil to your dog’s real food diet.

Do something nice for your dog since your dog is nice to you everyday!

Stop the itching, scratching, licking madness and increase the years your dog has with you.  Everyone will wag more!

*By the way, I’m VERY interested in your dog’s struggles with itching, scratching, licking, ear troubles, any of that.  Answer these three questions specific to your dog and I’ll send you information on how to best treat your dog using natural remedies.  Or tell me your story in the comments below!

Much Aloha to you and your dog.

Jt Clough lives on the Big Island, Hawaii, and practices health, happiness and natural remedies.  Her work at ReVIBE | Dogs + Joy + Vibrance is for people looking to live healthier and happier lives through their dogs and her passion for it has helped so many to find and do that thing they’ve been talking about/wishing to happen for so long.  She is a dog whisperer for our best friends and studies natural dog remedies, nutrition and communication.


Big Island Dog Beach Shack

July 5, 2012 Big Island Dog Beach Shack opened up!

Me and my dog Zelda opened up our dog training + natural remedies + dog themed jewelry store in Kailua Kona Hawaii at the Alii Gardens Marketplace.

We’ve been working on our remedies from our tropical home and connecting with people online and that’s been great. In fact I look forward to more of that. But Zelda and me needed to find a place where we could meet more dogs and their people… so here it is and we can’t wait for you to come and see us.

This month we’ve got a Dog Food Cooking Class on July 21. Come and check it out. More details on that later or, come join our inbox at ReVIBE | Dogs + Joy + Vibrance and get all the details.

Big Island Dog Beach Shack

Come kickstart your health and fitness program with K9 Cross Fitness or have some fun at a dog friendly marketplace in Kailua Kona with Dog Trick Training.

Come see our dog themed jewelry by Hawaii artist Barbara Hanson.

Come meet Zelda being her beautiful Weimaraner self as my partner at the store.

We’ll be happy to give you all kinds of tips on itching, scratching and licking and how dogs just want to be nourished with some good home made food and little coconut oil to top it off!

Aloha sandy wags,

Zelda & Jt

What You Seed Is What You Get

South Kona Green Market

My dog Zelda and I have been spending our Sundays at the South Kona Green Market. We are finding not only do we get to get our organic pumpkin noni coconut oil dog treats to other dogs who need it for itching, scratching and licking, but the experience of abundance with those that are becoming our friends who also have their goods at the market is more than a wonderful experience.

We’ve got some awesome Kona Coffee hand picked, sun dried and from our own home here on the Big Island of Hawaii as well.  And the dog themed jewelry by Barbara Hanson is the classy stuff dog ladies search for!  You can get it on Etsy if you don’t get to live or visit the Big Island!

The real impact of The Green Market came for me this week with observing and interacting with the people who were next me. They were a young couple with a 15 month old baby. They were selling plants, greens and vegetables from their organic farm.

Early on in the day people were buying their great looking plants and vegetables. They sold more than they thought they would all day in the first couple of hours. They were giving things away too. In abundance.

I believe that is why it was all coming back to them.

The guy’s name is Mason. He is tan and kissed by the sun, he is content, he is engaging. He had his family around him. He is inventive and full of knowledge.

For instance when they arrived and began to put up their pop up tent, like everyone has at the market, he realized he had no top to it packed with him. Only three sides. His plants were starting to wilt. He needed shade. So, he used some small pieces of rope he had with him and made a top with the 3 sides.

The way of thinking that has become the normal would have made this problem into a disaster. It would have been having to leave to go get the top and miss the morning customers.

A Different Perspective

It is what I am growing to love about many of the people I meet on the Big Island. Creative, inventive, and an attitude of abundance which usually is not about the kind of car you drive or the size of your home, or the number of clothes you have in your closet.

Mason, love the name because I’m really obsessed with Mason jars these days and the practicality to re-use for storage as well as glassware. We use them as our coffee mugs! Anyway, Mason was also full of huge knowledge he shared freely. He gardens and makes it simple. And he gets the most of food for his family and for the community around him.

He taught me parsley has huge calcium content. I did not know that and it’s one of those things that both women in their midlife years need good sources of, as well as dogs need in a whole food based diet.

There was a lot more tips and tidbits like beets and spirulina have huge iron in them. Some things I knew already, but the reminder is always helpful in a world where food can be so easily marketed to look good so we buy it, but may not have the nourishment we need in it.

Such great information. Good news for those taking care of adrenal and thyroid issues too.

Seed Positive Thoughts and Success will Bloom for You

The other thing I noticed was how the family interacted. They were having fun together the whole time. They were helping one another while they let their kid be a kid and taught her things at the same time. They exuded that they had enough, that they were happy, that they were living in abundance.

Another concept I’ve not lived around all that long. Our society is one where we don’t have enough, we need more money, we need more things, we need something else to be successful, to be happy.

It made me realize I have enough. I have abundance. Once again the lessons of the Big Island are what I was brought here for. I’ve always had these thoughts under it all, but the world wide marketing effect worked on my mind as it does most of us in the Western hemisphere. I have less stuff, by choice, than I have my entire adult life and I feel much more abundant.

How much is enough? What feels like abundance to you?  Please join the discussion on G+

Jt Clough lives on the Big Island, Hawaii, and practices health, happiness and natural remedies.  Her work at ReVIBE is for people looking to live healthier and happier lives and her passion for it has helped so many to find and do that thing they’ve been talking about/wishing to happen for so long.  She is a dog whisperer for our best friends and studies natural dog remedies, nutrition and communication.

Coconut Oil for Dogs (and Their People)

Coconut oil, even coconut oil for dogs, has been wrongly accused by most health care professionals who tell us to stay away from coconut oil and place in the artery clogging, saturated fat category next to animal fat.

How misleading that information has been. We’ve had such an obsession with fat that we’ve gone low fat, no fat, non fat for long enough to find out, it’s screwing up our ability to run well lubricated healthy lives! It’s true for our dogs as well.

The technical reasons why there is a big difference between animal and coconut saturated fat are fat that comes from animals is a long chain triglyceride, and coconut oil is a medium chain triglyceride or MCT. Coconut oil does not turn to trans fatty acids when heated or eaten raw by the way.

The real amazing thing about medium chain fatty acids are the healing properties it exhibits in improving metabolism, thyroid function, promotes weight loss and boosts energy.

Coconut Oil For Dogs

So why do these coconut oil facts apply to dogs too?

Well, like people our dogs diet and exercise habits have suffered over the past few decades. The diet being a huge issue. Think about it, when was the last time your dog ate something real? How many days in a row has your dog eaten a processed to death, coated in preservatives for flavor and shelf life meal?

Hmmm, and we wonder why our dogs are also overweight, getting diabetes, and acquiring thyroid problems?

Bottom line, improve your dog’s health with coconut oil.

7 Reasons to Feed Your Dog Coconut Oil

  1. Coconut oil prevents and treats yeast infections, including candida. The number one reason dogs are itching scratching and licking: candida.
  2. Coconut oil improves overall skin health, and clears up skin conditions. Dogs get flea allergies, contact dermatitis, hot spots, and generally a need to itch from internal candida.
  3. Applied topically to the skin, coconut oil promotes the healing of cuts, wounds, hot spots, bites, and stings.
  4. Coconut oil helps prevent diabetes by regulating and balancing insulin.
  5. Coconut oil promotes normal thyroid function.
  6. Coconut oil prevents infection.
  7. Coconut oil promotes weight reduction and increase energy, which promotes mobility in dogs with arthritis and other joint issues.

Feed your dog coconut oil every day. Start small. 1/2 teaspoon a day will do it. Start small dogs on 1/4 teaspoon per day.  Small dogs can work up to 1-2 teaspoons a day while larger dogs can go 3-4 teaspoons a day depending on the degree of health your dog started with and what you are treating.  Remember, something is better than nothing so a little dab a day is best if that is all you can do.

Looking for coconut oil ideas to add to your dogs diet?

Pumpkin Dog Food + Treats Recipes offers recipes which all include coconut oil. The added bonus in health benefits of pumpkin for a dog in each recipe too.

By the way, if this is resonating with you and your dog – you find yourself lacking support and tired of listening to the vet and or doctors suggest benadryl, antibiotics, or really bad dog food they get a kick back from selling/promoting – I just want you to know that I support you.

Subscribe to A Better Life Because of Your Dog and I’ll help however I can. If its healthy and it’s vibrant and brings joy I’d like more of that for you and for me and for our dogs.

Jt Clough practices health, happiness, natural remedies and training for dogs and their people.  Her uncanny way of communication with both dogs and people is healing and her training is effective physically and emotionally. She is has written the 5K Training Guide | Running with Dogs and Pumpkin Dog Food + Treats Recipes and is co-author of Treading for Dogs DVD



*Disclaimer:  I am not a medical professional – I just study, practice, read, live, breath natural remedies!  I’m not one to follow the normal which doesn’t seem to be working for most these days.  What you’ll read here is based on my research and experience and is not intended to diagnose or prescribe. Have fun, read as much as you can, do your own research and make smart choices for yourself!
Your Content

Gidget the Wonderdog

Our dogs. We love them. So very much. We tend to realize how much we love them even more when the realization “the end” is coming.

This week I received an note from my very good friend, my coach who helped me through multiple Ironmans, including getting to the World Championship in Kona, Hawaii (where I now live), and a business relationship at Multipsorts.com which rocks it out as far as the people and what they bring to the world of sport, Paula Newby Fraser.  The point is we have a lot of connections but the connection that people rarely get to share is this one.

Dogs and Emotions

The note was about something we share deep feelings for. Gidget. Gidget the Wonderdog.

I rescued Gidget back in 2001 from a shelter while I was at a dog training academy in Arizona. She came home to San Diego with me and I got to spend time with her as I brought her out of living in a fearful state.

When I got her she would duck and have worry cloud her big brown eyes as she looked up at me.  At that point she thought she was in trouble for every little thing she did, she was living like many who just don’t know how to get out of the way of fear; always trying to do the right thing but not sure of what it is that is good enough, afraid of making a wrong move without even meaning to.  Lack of confidence.

Her Life as Gidget the Wonderdog Had Begun

She ended up having the greatest life then and now.

I had great fun with Gidget.  Taught her tons of things to do, took her so many places.  She loves fetching.  She got to the point she would fetch anything I asked her to.  She was so proud of herself.  She played with other dogs, and had her place on the couch.  Gidget even slept right next to me in bed.  I feel emotion when I think of Gidget because she has a deep spot in my heart.

 Dog Whisperering

But being the dog whisperer type I am, the realization came that with 4 dogs in my pack and my work, a large home to take care of on my own, none of them were getting all the attention they deserved in the long run. Or I wanted to give them. The attention I would tell others that they need to be able to give to their dogs as companions…..

The realization at the time came around when my good friends Huddle and Paula were ready to have a dog, which had been a want for years, but difficult to commit to with triathlon and travel and running a rockin business.  Gidget was a perfect candidate. It was time for them to have a dog and Gidget would get to be the center of attention.

So off she went.  It was as sad day for me.  But it was one of those days that in the moment I knew I had done the right thing and as it turns out, Gidget truly became the Wonderdog and is having the greatest life ever.

 Living the Good Life One Moment at a Time

Gidget’s life:  Exercise galore, gets to go everywhere, no leash required.  The full attention of two who play with her, feed her good food, engage her, and touch so many other lives with her.  Gidget accompanies them to run on the track, to just ride around in the car, be the cool one in all the dogs who have come and gone and played on the greenbelt by her house.

She dives bushes to get her favorite toy.  It’s like a new best fun thing to do every time. She makes one smile every single time with her full on enthusiasm. Her full on joy of life.

She runs trails, goes cross country skiing, walks, plays, goes to dinners, beaches, friends houses.  Gidget’s such a Wonderdog she gets to go into public places and races and establishments most dogs aren’t allowed.  She behaves herself yet entertains and people from all walks of life are drawn to her.  If there is such a thing as a therapy dog whisperer, it’s Gidget.

She does it all, but mostly she gets to be with her people all the time, and yes indeed those people give her the star attention a dog like Gidget should get.

Walk Away From Deep Down Inside Fear

She was the dog who was afraid of everything, locked in a small kennel with #8 on it.  She had the dream happen.  She was adopted, fully taken in and loved and cared for in a way she grew to be proud of and give all that joy back to the world around her.  She became the dog laced with confidence and the wag of her nubby short tail, the bat of her eyelashes and the smile she gets while looking up in pure adoration for life is all of her gratitude for what life has turned out to be.

The news in the note; Gidget has a mass in her chest and is going into surgery.  Again, she’s being given the best care ever.  She’s the Wonderdog. If it’s time for her to make it she will. She’s strong, she’s fit and she’s in her most golden of years.  I’m thinking of you Gidget.  I love you Gidget. You’ll always be with me Gidget but it makes me sad, it makes my heart hurt to think “the end” of you here with us might be on it’s way.

Gidget is a big part of my ReVIBE.  If you’d like more from me on dogs subscribe to ReVIBE | Dogs

Join my discussions on G+

Pumpkin Dog Food + Treats Recipe Book – Coconut oil healing properties for dogs

Inbox me if you’d like to talk.

How To Find What You Need | Intuition

Intuition has been a huge part of my life since I was young.  It has lead me to incredible people, places, successful businesses, and ultimately to live my life in my own paradise while I still have plenty of time to play in it.  I live it and continue to learn it.  It helps me daily and in turn I’ve been able to help others through it.

One of my practices is to read and fill my mind with inspiration from others who also lead by example.  I’ve gotten to know best selling author Angela Artemis and find what she shares through her books and blogs practical thought provoking ideas on how to develop your practices more deeply, or find them to start with if you are one to be asking yourself, “What is my true passion in life?”

Angela has just published her latest book,  The Intuition Principal, sure to go to the top of Amazon as her other books have and I’m honored to interview her here on my blog.  (we are giving a copy away at the end of this article so be sure to enter)


Jt:  Passion is something I have always lived my life around. Somehow I developed intuition when I was young.   In your book you have a chapter on How to Find Your Passion, Purpose and Authenticity.   It is the burning question people have about themselves when they first discover they want or need to make a change and need to name it.

What would you tell people to do as a first step to finding their passion,purpose or authenticity?

Angela:  The first step is to get really honest with yourself.  Ask yourself if you have been living a life that is true to who you really are or have you been living a life and putting up a front to please others?

I realized that I had been living my life to please others. I followed my father’s advice and majored in accounting….although I later changed my major because I couldn’t stand it.  I went into business (finance) to please him and then drove myself to climb the corporate ladder.  When I bought my first home on my own after my divorce my father told me he was “real proud of me.”  After I heard those words I suddenly realized in a flash what had been driving me my whole life and was freed!

After this, I started focusing on my writing. I became a freelance writer for magazines and the newspaper in my spare time which led to blogging and then to my writing, “The Intuition Principle.”

 To find your passion ask yourself three simple questions:

  1.  What interests have I had since childhood that I still have today?
  2.  What type of books do I read? Is there a theme/subject that runs through all of them?
  3.  What do I easily my spend money on to study/train/pursue?

The answers are there and as I said in the book, “Your passion is not hiding from you,” usually it’s right under your nose.

When you identify your passion your purpose will wrapped up within it like a chocolate candy with a cream filling.  They come together so just “bite into it.”  Once you know your passion it may take a little while to find your way and unearth your purpose but it will come.  Don’t rush it. Allow yourself to develop the ways and the time to incorporate your passion into your life.

Once I realized writing was my passion it took a few years for it to hit me that sharing what I had learned about how following my intuition had changed my life was my purpose.  Just know and trust that when you find your passion your purpose is not far behind.

 Fabulousity Factor

Jt: I personally love the “fabulousity factor” you write about, and again feel it has been part of my own life.  The story of selling the house is so real in that my own story goes when I decided to move my life, my business, my passions to Hawaii it involved selling a home I loved in San Diego.

It was a time friends and business colleagues said the market was at an all-time low. Those types of things bother me.  I can have a tendency to worry that I would be losing my investment, that I was leaving big money on the table.  I could have allowed these outside influences to persuade me.

Yet, I had this feeling, it was the right time for me. I was destined to go cultivate new passion in Hawaii.  Sure enough I put my home on the market, at a price higher than the market said I could get. It sold 7 days later for full price. I moved to Hawaii within 4 months of the first day I felt I should go.

How would you advise someone to develop their own fabulousity factor?

Angela:  The “fabulousity factor” comes into your life when you live intuitively.

Have you ever been so happy you felt like dancing or jumping up in the air and screaming, “YES!  When you are guided to synchronicities and serendipity in your life by your intuition you will have many of these types of joyous moments to celebrate!

When you feel fabulous you have confidence that you are on the right path in your life.  You are tuned in to your intuition and allow it to guide you to the right person or place where you meet up with fortunate coincidences that open the next door in your life. Living an “intuitively inspired life” is what creates the “fabulousity factor” in your own life.

Your “fabulousity factor” will burst forth when you feel currents of joy running through your body because you followed your intuition and picked up the phone on an impulse to call someone you hadn’t spoken to in a long time and they have “just the thing/opportunity” for you that you need in your life to take you to the next level.

How to Get the Answers to Life’s Problems

Jt:  In your book The Intuition Principle you give a clear action plan on what to do to develop your own sense of answering life’s problems.  For the person just beginning this journey without a regular practice of mediation what would you tell them to do to avoid overwhelm and find their own belief in the process?

Angela:  One of the easiest ways to get intuitive information is to “ask for a sign.”  In your meditation ask that a sign be shown to you that will help you decide something or lead you in the right direction.

If you don’t meditate just go somewhere quiet and close your eyes and allow yourself to become calm.  When you are ready ask to be given a sign that will recognize as the answer to the problem you are looking for.

It’s very important not to be attached to one particular outcome/answer/solution. When you are attached to one solution you narrow your vision and because of your expectation that it will “X,” you may miss the creative and more exciting answer the Universe has in store for you.

Tell yourself that you will receive the sign in the next 48 to 72 hours then be on the lookout for it.  The sign may arise in a snippet of conversation you overhear somewhere or through something you hear on the radio, see on television or read somewhere.  It may also come in a conversation with a friend or colleague.  I’ve gotten answers driving past billboards on the highway so, pay attention!

After this, just relax and know that the answer is coming.  You will know it to be the answer you were looking for because it will “feel right” when it comes to you.  You will feel relieved and have a deep sense of knowing that this is the answer you were looking for.  Intuition is a process of “feeling” so focus on how you feel about it.

Cracking the Intuition Code

Jt:  Those who practice intuition tend to get noticed especially in the circles we move within.  There is a general sense of knowing, a sort of magical confidence surrounding us.

What do you say is your greatest accomplishment or sense of well being that has come of your own practice of intuition?

Angela:  The greatest thing that following my intuition has done for me is to finally allow me to create the life I have always dreamed of.  I quit my executive job and went back to school.  My intuition had been screaming to me for seven years to do it until I finally accepted that nothing else would satisfy me in my life until I did that.  When I had lined things up financially I announced to my colleagues and upper management that I would be leaving in a month’s time.

I couldn’t believe the outpouring of support I got!  Here I thought I would be shunned and looked at as a fool for giving up this big cushy job with the corner office and instead I was given accolades!  Secretly, all these people including directors confessed to me that they too dreamed of escaping the corporate trap.

I was shocked but, as you can imagine pleasantly surprised.  I went back to school and got a degree in communications with a concentration in writing.  I graduated with honors and got a scholarship to graduate school.  It was the most exhilarating and magical time in my life! This changed everything for me.  I gained so much confidence and what I learned from it was to trust my inner voice, my intuition.

I realized that my inner voice had been right all along – I didn’t belong in the business world.  I allowed what others thought was right for me to influence my decisions.  Following my intuition allowed me to take back my power.  I now know without a shadow of doubt that when I “feel” that inner tug, that whisper – that longing to do something inside that it is absolutely correct.

The magical quality that people who listen to their intuition exude (their fabulousity factor) comes from the trust they have in their intuition and the confidence they gain from following it.  All you have to do is take that first step – trust your inner voice and take action then….you will see the map of your next step and the next materialize before you.  And, before you know it you too will be exuding that magical quality that comes from following your intuition and living your dreams.

Angela Artemis, an intuition coach, is on a mission to teach readers around the world to “speak intuition” so that they unlock all the brilliant potential that resides within and start successfully living the life of their dreams now – not later.  She blogs at http://www.PoweredbyIntuition.com and is the author of, “The Intuition Principle: How to Attract the Life You Dream Of  Free bonus material is available to readers of The Intuition Principle here.

The Giveaway

Win your copy of The Intuition Principle
How to Enter.  It’s easy….
  1. Follow Powered by Intuition and Big Island Dog on Facebook.
  2. Share your answer to this question in the comments AND on G+Has well do you feel you follow your intuitive notions?
I will announce the WINNER on May 27, 2012

“The Intuition Principle” by Angela Artemis

“The Intuition Principle: How to Attract the Life You Dream Of is a road map to finding your true purpose, passion and path in life.  It is a guidebook for uncovering your authentic self through following your intuition.  Learning to navigate your life by intuition is the most direct way to finding the joyous life you’ve always dreamed of living.  When you learn to go within and follow the ‘intuition principle’ you will bring the world to you in a nearly effortless way.
Now available on Amazon

Or get the Kindle Version

Get your free bonuses.  Angela has recorded a few of the meditations from the book and you can download these as MP3s. Some of the worksheets from exercises in the book can also be downloaded here: http://www.poweredbyintuition.com/free-tools-4-readers/
Enter to win your copy in the comments AND on G+


Sinking canoe

What would you do if your canoe were sinking?

These women in this double outrigger canoe I know. I’ve paddled with them. I have been on their paddle team here in Hawaii. Some of them I know better than others. And had I been in the canoe this particular afternoon, I would have known an even deeper side of each one of them.

What do you do when your canoe is sinking?

You pull together. You keep moving forward. You don’t let the swell that keeps pushing against you stop your efforts. You don’t let the waves that have crashed over top of your head knock you down without getting back up.

No matter how strong the current runs against you, the push to move forward continues. You give it everything you have. And when you feel like you don’t have anything more, you keep going anyway.

When you make it to shore and the time to look back comes, you are definitely stronger than you were before. You have learned what worked and what didn’t and you didn’t give up until it worked.  You had an attention detox to all the small things that didn’t matter anymore and got what matters most to you done.

What would happen if we used these same efforts, the ones we have in us to get what we need, get what we want in times of survival, to do the thing we keep talking about doing?


These women were way out in the water for almost 2 hours getting this canoe back to shore. The video is the last 4 minutes. They learned a lot about themselves and about those who they had to band together with to get the work done.

I know I get emotional watching it, because I know these women, and I know that the power of the ocean could have been more than they had that afternoon. But they kept moving forward to get what they wanted. They found their passion and desire to get what they wanted.

What would it be like to take passion like you have in a sinking canoe and do the thing that you keep talking about doing?

If you’d like to hear more ReVIBE in your inbox please join me here or on G+.

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