Just as in politics, there’s a lot of opinions our there about how to raise the perfect dog. Is there really a right answer? I mean what’s your definition of the perfect dog?
Is there a perfect person? Ha! We all strive for that, look for that too.
The truth is you can’t get hung up on what everybody else’s perfect is. And that rings very, very true when it comes raising the perfect dog FOR YOU!
Really, you don’t need to sign up for dog training and learn how to do high-five’s, roll over, do a commando crawl. Even fetch the paper. Is this what a dream dog does?
Raise The Perfect Dog: What Is Your Definition
Truth is if your dog did fetch the paper these days it would be a bad idea since most of us get our news on our smartphones and computers. So, there you go, to raise a perfect dog no longer needs fetching the paper as part of the criteria, in fact if they tried you’d have a very bad dog with an iPad or smartphone hanging out it’s mouth and you horrified!
In fact, being in the dog world I see a lot of stuff. I can’t tell you how many dogs I’ve met that their dear person started showing me all the tricks their dog could do, but the moment I started walking towards the food bowl, their person started freaking.
“Uhhh, don’t go near the dog bowl. He doesn’t know you, it could be a bad scene!”
Or how about you gotta leave your dog in the car, cause my dog will try to eat your dog. Don’t take it personal, it’s just something she does.
There’s a lot of talk about how to raise the perfect dog. It’s what we all want but the question is… do they exist? I suppose the answer is a bit like… is there a perfect person? Of course, the answer to that is… Nope!
However there are some pretty great people out there, and there are some really amazing dogs too. So what’s the trick?
Best Advice to Raise the Perfect Dog
This is my best advice. Before you get hung up about going to puppy school or dog training classes and learning how to shake a paw, roll over and the commando crawl, ask yourself this… Is this what my dream dog does?
Is my dream dog a member of the circus whom I wheel out when visitors come around so they can say “Wow that’s so awesome, how amazing is that…How did you train your dog to do that…” and on and on.
The kicker is that in many of these cases the next thing, right after the dog and pony show that the dog owner has to do is warn the visitors “Now…don’t go near his food bowl when he’s eating, and careful when you pat him not to go near his head, and keep the children away from his toys..!” It’s crazy isn’t it?
We spend so much time and effort focusing on how to do commands such as sit and stay but never even think about some of the really important stuff. And when we do it’s often too late. Like being food aggressive, or wanting to take a bite out of the neighbor’s tiny Chihuahua, or not liking men. Or something that’s a constant I gotta watch him so nothing goes bad kind of thing. Far from how to raise the perfect dog.
Want to know why this is so?
Because most dog trainers are stuck doing what everyone else is doing… And that’s training the sit, the down and the stay! That’s right. Its like sheep, everyone following each other and nobody asking WHY?
Think about it… has a dog ever been put to sleep (yes, I am talking about euthanized) because they didn’t do a proper sit? Or because their down command was a bit slow? Or because they had a poor stay? Of course not… nobody really cares about that stuff. Yet that’s what we all learn at puppy school! WHY?! But… Aggression? Oh Boy. More dogs are put to sleep for aggression, barking, growling, and challenging than any other reason. Aggressive to children, owners, strangers – its all bad news.
Get Dog Training For Exactly What You Need
There is nothing more dangerous than an out of control dog, pulling you along on the leash, ignoring you when you let them off. Never mind the danger to themselves around cars and other dogs. Yet so few dog trainers show you how to prevent all of this, because very few actually understand it themselves! Most people’s real idea of a perfect dog, in no particular order, will include all of the following 5 important behaviors:
1. Calm around cats and dogs of any size
2. Friendly to children and adults
3. Relaxed and obedient around the home
4. Amazing at coming when called from anywhere
5. Awesome at walking on the leash in public
Hhmmm… I can hear you thinking….You’ve got a point! Let me guess your next question… So how do we a dog like that? And how do we avoid the dog trainers with the “rules” that don’t focus on the perfect sit but instead on how to have a really nice dog to be around no matter what?
Great news. It’s not complicated. At least it’s not complicated or tricky anymore… all thanks to a simple video series that starts you off with how to raise the perfect dog.