Does your dog really dig fireworks?
That’s what I thought. Hell no. Nope. No way.
Even dogs who seemingly don’t have a reaction, I’d be willing to bet would really prefer fireworks weren’t a part of this particular celebration.
What Do Dogs Really Hear When it Comes to Fireworks
5 Things to Consider for Your Dog 4th of July Safety
Exercise your dog big time the morning of the 4th of July. Whether you are cooking in, or going out, a huge exercise session for your dog does great things to take the edge off. *Come to think of it, probably true for you too!
Keep your dog in a secure place whether you are home or not.
For many dogs this may mean a crate or kennel, or “a room of their own” if you plan to be away.
Never leave your dog unattended in the yard or outdoor run. Even the most balanced dog can have a reaction. A scared dog can get out of amazing high or secure fences or small openings you aren’t aware of.
Taking your dog to a fireworks event is not a good idea. You might think it’s fun but read the deal above about their hearing and vibrations. They may tolerate it, or they could freak out, in either case, not a good idea.
Have identification tags on your dog. 4th of July is notorious for dogs getting out and lost. ID tags make it easy for anyone to find who to call and how you can quickly be reunited with your dog.
So, tell me… what does your dog do on the 4th of July?
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