10 Reasons Dogs are Better than Boyfriends
- Dogs are great listeners. Whether you are dealing with a hard day at work, a jealous friend, or an over bearing mother, you always their uninterrupted attention.
- Dogs are happy to skip the ball game or bar night and stay in and stay “in” and cook. While boyfriends are critical of your culinary skills dogs will lap it up and beg for more.
- Dogs like you jus the way you are. You can get a bad haircut, wear your sweats all day, go lip gloss free or gain a few pounds. But to your dog you’re perfect in every way.
- You can almost always teach an old dog new tricks. Boyfriends, on the other hand, can take years of coaching and still be unsuitable to take out in public.
- Your mother will love your dog. (She might even call them her grandchild). There’s no approval needed when you bring home a new pup, she’ll feed and spoil them even if they cause a stink.
- Dogs love your friends and they are always down to hang out with the girls. Bring along some treats and they are happy to join in on the shopping exertions. Especially if they can fit in your purse.
- They love to snuggle up any time of day or night. If you’re sick, they’ll cuddle for hours and won’t say anything about your esthetic state or number of Kleenexes on the bed.
- Dogs are happy to join in any exercise routine, and unlike a boyfriend, they won’t judge your technique, try to time your reps, or correct your form.
- They always let you watch what you want, but you might be sharing the popcorn. Plus they won’t ask you to explain why you like sappy chick-flicks or vampire dramas. The remote is all yours.
- You’re never to old for your dog. They’ll never prefer and younger owner, and they’ll love you no matter how many miles on your clock, or wrinkles around your eyes.
*image credit: Honest Kitchen
Jt Clough lives in Maui, Hawaii and practices health, happiness, natural remedies and training for dogs and their people. Her uncanny way of communication with both dogs and people is healing and her training is effective physically and emotionally. Her work at Maui Dog Remedies is for people looking to live healthier and happier lives through their dogs and her passion for it has helped so many to find and do that thing they’ve been talking about or wishing to happen for so long. She is a dog whisperer for our best friendsand studies natural dog remedies, nutrition and communication. Her latest publications are Pumpkin Dog Food + Treats Recipes and 5K Training Guide | Running with Dogs.