Maui Dog Remedies Pumpkin Frosty Paws Recipe™
What’s the most favorite Maui dog treat?
How do I stop the itching, scratching and licking my dog is incessantly doing?
Two questions I get a lot. And I have a great answer for both: Pumpkin Frosty Paws, with coconut oil as an added ingredient!
Here is my creation straight from Maui, Hawaii with my dogs as the very happy testers for what will, I’m certain, become a famous Maui Dog Remedies Pumpkin Frosty Paws Recipe.
Many dogs have problems with itching, scratching and licking, and as I have studied and applied healthy food choices to dogs, it has become apparent that yeast is a problem. Peanuts are on any candida (yeast infestation = itching) diet as a big no, no, do not eat. Therefore, to reduce creating more yeast peanuts, peanut butter and the likes are no longer a part of my recommendation for dogs in their diet.
Coconut oil is an amazing super food that is not only anti fungal, but anti bacterial and anti parasitic. So, as you are about to see the ingredients in this easy to make real food recipe for your dog are amazingly good for irritating health issues and your dog’s gonna love them on top of it!
*Read more on the healing properties of coconut oil.
Please enjoy your dog and the simple things in life, take a deep breath and wag more!
Jt Clough lives in Maui, Hawaii and practices health, happiness, natural remedies and training for dogs and their people. Her work at Maui Dog Remedies is for people looking to live healthier and happier lives through their dogs and her passion for it has helped so many to find and do that thing they’ve been talking about or wishing to happen for so long. She is often described as a dog whisperer for our best friends. Her latest publications are Pumpkin Dog Food + Treats Recipes and 5K Training Guide | Running with Dogs.

April 21, 2012 at 7:59 am (13 years ago)mmmm these look so tasty I might eat them myself 🙂