Why is it that we have to have something go wrong with us before we take our health and what we eat, sleep and take to “feel better”, to “fix it”, or “to get healthy” into account?
Why is it that coconut oil was not on my radar until an issue with adrenals + thyroid arose?
Why is it that these things are not advertised in the middle of your favorite reality show?
I just found out my adrenals (well I guess I knew that before) but the real shocker for my healthy self was finding out my thyroid was also on low vibes.
Yep, me… my thyroid is not functioning right. Not healthy. Me. Miss healthy girl as most people think I look and consider myself to be. (Not to worry, I’m on the way back to health and revibe when it comes to adrenals + thyroid!)
And here’s a big thing to know… most people think the sign is weight gain. Think again on that one. Not always true. (see list below)
With all of my research and then using coconut oil myself to not only detox but to allow nourishment to kick my adrenals, my pituitary gland, and my thyroid into gear, I found out 1 in 8 women also are suffering from low thyroid, causing a bad way to feel for so many, every single day.
Everything from pure exhaustion to weight gain to losing hair happens when the adrenals and the thyroid aren’t working right.
It’s Called Hypothyroid
The scientific definition of why one’s thyroid function becomes low is long and technical. I understand it but feel others define it better. Thyroid and Adrenal Malfunction explains it wonderfully so go there as a reference.
In the meantime, I will go on with my story of coconut oil detox and how it has been beneficial in so many ways.
Symptoms of Hypothyroid and Low Adrenals
*keep in mind people don’t necessarily suffer from all of these symptoms, only some!
- Low body temperature
- Coldness
- Low energy or fatigue
- Weight problems (can’t lose or gain it)
- Slow healing
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Poor memory, focus, or concentration
- Sleep disorders
Immune system
- Under-reactive
- Over-reactive
- Frequent infections (skin, sinus, bladder, bowel, yeast problems, etc.)
- Allergies
- Auto-immune diseases
- Fatigue
- Fibromyalgia (muscle or joint pains)
- Generalized aches/pains
- Repetitive use injury and carpal tunnel syndrome
- Weak connective tissues (ligaments, bones, etc)
- Headaches
- Loss of libido and function
- Menstrual disorders
- Infertility
- Low blood pressure
- High blood pressure
- Constipation
- Gas or bloating
- Digestive disorders
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Nervous system
- Numbness of hands and or feet
- Dulling or loss of senses such as vision, taste or smell
- Dry
- Acne
- Pallor in light skin, darkening or dark patches in dark skin
- Hair loss, brittle, coarse, dry or oily
Wow! Quite a list huh. I was surprised at how many of these I had.
So as my way here in Hawaii has led me, I set off to finding ways to get not only my thyroid happy again, but also my adrenals up to par with the help of my naturopath.
Healing with Coconut Oil
Coconut oil has made a huge difference already. I’m not telling you it’s a cure for everything and there are a lot of other things going into the healing process like sleep, what foods I eat….
and yes there are many foods that nourish the adrenal and thyroid system rather than stress it and gunk it up with toxins…
as well as some supplements that have been recommended by my naturopath, like the B’s. Coconut oil is not a stand alone cure, BUT I WILL TELL YOU that I know coconut oil is seriously helping me detox my body.
Healing naturally can be one of those things where you may get worse before you get better.
Most people have a very difficult time getting through ways to nourish the body and heal it from the inside out. Especially when taking the holistic route does sometimes cause symptoms to get worse before they get better. We live in a world where it is much easier to take a pill, like antibiotics and the many others seen advertised on television in a simple 2 hour session of Survivor and The Biggest Loser!
Healing from the inside out takes some work and research.
Healing from the inside out takes some serious stick-to-it-tive-ness.
There’s much more to healing from low adrenals, low thyroid, and candida then coconut oil. It really is about detoxing the liver and the rest of your internal organs and it comes through what you eat, your sleep / rest / relaxation /mediation / yoga / how you are deal with life’s stresses.
It takes detoxing from all the things we think we have to do, people we believe, and processed prepackage habits. It takes recognizing the things that are a simple way may take longer than the quick fix but applying the new habits, one ingredient at a time will lead back to health.
What I Have Learned on Crisis Healing Adrenals and Thyroid
Healing reactions are not allergic reactions. That means don’t freak out. If you do decide to do a coconut, juice, or nutritional detox be prepared for a healing crisis. That is where you start feeling / seeing / freaking out about your current symptoms even more.
You may get a rash or other skin eruptions on your body. Or start itching all over. Or your face might break out. Or you might get a yeast infection. Or get moody or down right bitchy. The list goes on.
Healing Properties of Coconut Oil (* from http://www.mnwelldir.org/ )
Coconut oil is antiviral, antifungal (kills yeast too) and antibacterial. It attacks and kills viruses that have a lipid (fatty) coating, such as herpes, HIV, hepatitis C, the flu, and mononucleosis. It kills the bacteria that cause pneumonia, sore throats, dental cavities, urinary tract infections, meningitis, gonorrhea, food poisoning, pneumonia, and many, many more bacterial infections. It kills the fungus/yeast infections that cause candida, ringworm, athletes foot, thrush, jock itch, diaper rash and more.
Coconut oil is called the “low fat” fat. It actually acts like a carbohydrate in that it is quickly broken down in the liver and used as quick energy. It is NOT stored like other fats. It boosts one’s energy and endurance. Many athletes use it blended into their drinks. It also supports thyroid function and increases your metabolism (great if you want to lose weight).
Coconut oil improves digestion and absorption of fat soluble vitamins, minerals (especially calcium and magnesium), and amino acids. It improves the body’s use of blood glucose and improves insulin secretion and absorption (great for type II diabetes). In fact, many diabetics (type I and type II) use it to reduce their symptoms. One’s risk of diabetes decreases with regular use of coconuts and coconut oil. And as we already mentioned, cooking with coconut oil does not create any harmful byproducts.
Coconut oil helps the body heal and repair faster. It aids and supports immune function, protecting us from a variety of cancers.
Coconut oil, contrary to much hubbub, is good for your heart. It keeps our blood platelets from sticking together (and causing dangerous clots). Regular users of coconut oils have a much lower chance of atherosclerosis (clogging of the arteries), arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), and strokes. Coconut oil can lower your blood pressure.
Coconut oil is a natural antioxidant. It protects the body from free radical damage and prevents premature aging and degenerative diseases.
Finally, coconut oil is the best massage oil on the planet. What it does to your skin, you simply have to witness. It forms a barrier against infections, softens and moisturizes your skin, and prevents wrinkling, sagging, and age spots. It promotes healthy hair and complexion, protects from any damaging UV rays.
~See full article Coconut Oil
Coconut Healing Crisis or Detox
Remember, it gets worse before it gets better usually when you are trying to practice any new habit. Especially one that is replacing an old addiction (food, alcohol, or over committing, inviting bad relationships or influences to name a few) with a new addiction. (whole organic foods, juicing, coconut oil, the right mineral and vitamin supplements, more rest, meditation, yoga, supportive people).
Healing with whole foods and natural remedies IS harder because everything we see in the stores, at restaurants, on TV, even what most doctors are telling us works on the belief system about synthetics and antibiotics as the easy way and or the only way.
We keep putting band-aids on things only to have some other problem break out somewhere else. The way we’ve become is keeping us fat, feeling like crap, and hooked into drugs, forever. It’s invaded us physically and mentally.
It all works on the belief system.
How to combat the quick fix system and adopt a healing belief system?
Fill your mind with knowledge on natural healing. You won’t find it in mainstream media. Well actually it’s becoming more mainstream depending on where you live.
I’m lucky. I live in Hawaii. The holistic simple way is a way of life more often. There is more support for it. Being a Habits Coach myself is helpful.
Not to fret however if you don’t live in Hawaii. It’s bad for your adrenals. You can get the same habits where you live too.
Get your hormone and thyroid levels checked by a good naturopath, then start feeding yourself with the things that will actually nourish healing and not hinder it. Start with adding some coconut oil to your diet. There are a ton of ways to use it like 52 Uses for Coconut Oil – The Simple, The Strange, and The Downright Odd!
My favorite coconut oil: Dr. Bonner’s Virgin Coconut Oil
In upcoming articles find more foods that heal and ways to detox and nourish, from physical to mental. It might not be all about the food. Sometimes a short social detox whether it is digital or in person is in order too!
If you’ve tried and tried to eat, sleep and think better but find yourself going back to old habits, you can find help with your habits here.
*if you have questions about low adrenal function or low thyroid you’d like to ask feel free to contact me.
** more later on how coconut oil can help your dog with itching scratching and licking and assist their digestive issues with a support for their dog diet.
Mahalo for reading. If you liked it please subscribe to Big Island Dog ReVIBE | Adrenal + Thyroid and follow me on Twitter, & G+ and please leave a few of your thoughts in the comments.
Have you tried coconut oil? If so, how have you used it?
Did you have a surprising number of checks on the list above that pertain to you?
Jt Clough lives on the Big Island, Hawaii, and practices health, happiness and natural remedies, while working as a ReVIBE Coach for people looking to live healthier and happier lives, and actually do that thing they keep talking about doing. She is a dog whisperer for our best friends; and studies natural dog remedies, nutrition and communication. Her latest books are Pumpkin Dog Food + Treats Recipes and 5K Training Guide | Running with Dogs.
*All material on this website is provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this information; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being.

13 Comments on Healing Properties of the Coconut Oil Detox
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April 5, 2012 at 4:24 am (13 years ago)Very interesting, not too happy I ticked a lot of boxes in that list. A couple of months ago I was prescribed a homeopathic remedy which was going to detox my liver but I reacted very badly and felt nauseous and very low. I stopped taking it but as you have mentioned with natural remedies you frequently feel worse before feeling better. I have decided to give it another go with a lower dose and stick it out this time!
Jt Clough
April 5, 2012 at 7:40 am (13 years ago)Yes, I have found in all of my research that many are suffering from this and don’t know it… even after running tests. Most MD’s don’t do the same tests a naturopath will and can TOTALLY miss it.
On the healing crisis: it made so much sense to me after digging deep into it. We are so accustomed to fixing it by stopping it up with quick fix drugs. Yet it true healing will take a path that is not of least resistance but is deep and detoxing!
Please feel free to contact me if you need to get yourself through it on your next attempt!
Sarah / Wellness The Natural Way
April 5, 2012 at 5:25 am (13 years ago)Great info here. Coconut oil has been showing up on my radar more and more often lately – and I love this idea of it being the ‘lowfat’ fat. Some folks even tell me they take it by the spoonful each day as a supplement! We’ve come a long way from the low fat craze in the natural health world! (At least when it comes to coconut oil.)
I’ve been working on a lot of these same issues for a long time (on and off – such a challenge to reinvent our habits.) You’re right that a many-pronged approach is best. Nourishing the adrenals takes time, and a new attitude towards having to go-go-go all the time.
But I’m definitely going to pay more attention to using more coconut oil. It’s delicious. What a fab idea to blend it into a smoothie. I’m going to do it today instead of my usual flax seed oil.
Jt Clough
April 5, 2012 at 7:44 am (13 years ago)And it’s way less expensive than all those drugs marched in front of us as a quick fix too!
Granted it’s not going to cure everything, but it’s a piece that is amazing to add to true nutrition and healing.
I have been using it to cook everything I would normally use olive oil for as well.
Reflect, reflect, reflect instead of go, go, go and we get more done anyway! Here’s to healed adrenals. 🙂
Bobbi Emel
April 5, 2012 at 7:41 am (13 years ago)Thanks for such a thorough article, JT!
Jane Robinson
April 6, 2012 at 4:52 am (13 years ago)Wowie – great post! I usually scan posts that are very long, but read this one word for word in its entirety. I too had to check many of those symptoms. 18 months ago, my hair began to fall out – autoimmune disorder, Alopecia totalis…eyelashs, eyebrows, the works. Many doctors said reason, no cure. I begun the process of healing from the inside out – although like you, I look very healthy, lean, vibrant on the outside. This post re: coconut oil is very interesting…and I definitely going to try it. Love your blog.
Lori Lynn Smith
April 6, 2012 at 10:11 am (13 years ago)Great reminder, I have been off track with using my Coconut oil, super easy to add to a smoothie or protein shake.
Lots of great info!
April 9, 2012 at 10:34 am (13 years ago)Great post! I have a thing of coconut oil sitting in my pantry that I have no idea what to do with…I just know that it smells awesome and tastes good on toast. Never knew that it had so many healing properties!
I unfortunately checked off a lot of those hypothyroid symptoms (I’ve always suspected an issue)…I’ve been meaning to see a naturopath, but good ol’ procrastination has kept me with my endocrinologist and prescriptions (yuck).
Thanks for getting me thinking back in that direction. I’ve browsed your blog a bit and am feeling nudged in the natural direction..
W Haines
April 27, 2012 at 10:25 am (13 years ago)Loving the coconut oil, thanks for the info
June 10, 2012 at 1:50 pm (13 years ago)I started using coconut oil about two months ago for my arthritic feet, I could not walk correctly for three years. After three weeks of coconut oil I could walk correctly again! I felt like a miracle happened to me!!!! I will never stop using this coconut product.
June 16, 2012 at 6:53 pm (13 years ago)Can you tell me where to buy coconut oil? and do you take it internally or externally?
Jt Clough
June 16, 2012 at 9:51 pm (13 years ago)You can get coconut oil in natural food stores such as Whole Foods. My favorite is Dr. Bonner’s Magic All One Virgin Pressed Organic Coconut Oil. Amazon is a great resource and you can find it at the affiliate link I’ve provided.
You can use coconut oil both internally and externally. The article above includes a link for 52 uses of coconut oil. There are ideas for both internal and eternal use. I use it both ways almost daily. In fact one of my new favorites is to use it as my toothpaste! Great way to absorb it and it is much better for you than fluoride!
October 10, 2012 at 5:57 am (12 years ago)so glad that this humble fruit has so many healing properties! No wonder Madonna is drinking coconut water by the liters!!!