It has been a most fabulous year for me and Big Island Dog.
Look back and spend some time to be grateful for people, experiences and the things you love in your life. Make a love list about it. It’s a much better way to put your New Year’s Intentions out there instead of thinking in terms of Resolutions!
I love that I took the action to live a dream and move to Hawaii.
Still, I’m a little amazed that it all happened. It all aligned and what I’m taking from it is to go ahead and amaze yourself. If you love it, when you amaze yourself, not someone else, it will take the expectation part out of the picture and put your best self on for everyone else for real… no pretending. That changes everything.
I love that the love of my life, my life partner did all it took to get our family to Hawaii.
We had a quest to live with less and spend our time creating experiences to share with others. In the last 8 months we have had people here for their own retreat and friends and family come stay with us. Wonderful times have come from all of it.
I love that our dogs are with us.
If only you could hear the conversations with Emmy the Lab it would be quite clear that we are experiencing pure joy. We have had lots of it this year.
Even through all the NEW, it brought us to practice reaction. I’m finding the reaction to come to the positive side of everything in the moment, to have a grateful view of all that is, has made fear and anxiety vanish more often.
I love that I started eating much much more healthy.
This one has changed the way I feel in a HUGE way. It took some sticking to it, and I’ve got a lot more foodie nutritional healing ways to go. But I love the challenge to eat mostly things that are not processed. I love learning about it and sharing it with others.
I love that I started doing yoga on a regular basis.
It has brought balance to my very busy mind, and created flexibility in my body where there was pain before.
I love that I got rid of so much of my stuff.
It was one of those things I didn’t realize. I was holding on to things and not using them out of fear of not having enough. When I gave most of it away or sold it, I realized how abundant my life is and how less can actually create more of the most important things in life.
I love that I started outrigger paddling and met some wonderful people.
They help me in my observations to write many articles because of our experiences on the Ocean. My new Kona crew rocks it as far as working out goes with happy ready to go attitudes too. I love that.
I love my website and blog.
I got the chance to write my story. And I get to use my gift of teaching. I get to be an author and I get to have people read my stuff. I love that I published an e-book this year. It’s on Amazon and everything. It’s so cool.
Huge Mahalo Courtney Carver
You are so amazing and the contribution and professional awesome-ness you brought to putting the site together has your magic intention flowing at all times even here in Hawaii. It makes me think of you often.
*Courtney’s writing on How to Make a Love List was the inspiration for this article as well.
Be In The Moment while Looking Forward to the Aloha of 2012
I look forward to all that I can do in 2012 for myself, for my family and for others. I’ll leave my wonderful readers I appreciate so very much here to write your own Love List of Mahalos 2011 and Alohas 2012. I’ll be at the beach this year, celebrating all that is and all that is to come. I plan to write my 2012 Love List there. Stay tuned.
Aloha wags!
Thanks for reading. My hope is to give you inspiration and thought provoking ideas to take your very next step in creating your own paradise from where you are now! Please subscribe to Big Island Dog and follow me on Twitter. Retweets are cool too.
As a 9 time Ironman finisher, change maker and author and creator of 5K Training Guide | Running with Dogs and K9 Cross Fitness Classes in Kailua Kona Hawaii I encourage you to make that change you want so badly today!

Tanja @ Crystal Clarity
December 30, 2011 at 5:25 pm (13 years ago)Wow! You’ve had an amazingly full 2011, Jt – may your 2012 be every bit as blessed and full of joy as last year was. Happy new year, my goddess friend – I’m so grateful to have met you, and I can’t wait to see what the new year brings to both of us.
Blessings (and aloha wags to you too 🙂 )
December 30, 2011 at 6:45 pm (13 years ago)I LOVE your “I Love list”! You have done a lot and should be proud! thank-you for sharing it has been very inspiring reading your posts!
December 31, 2011 at 7:11 am (13 years ago)What a wonderful love list. I love reading about all the great things you have accomplished this year!
Harriet Cabelly
January 3, 2012 at 6:39 am (13 years ago)Love your ‘Love list’. Love this idea. What a great way to revel in your accomplishments and feel appreciation and gratitude. It also sets the intention, as you say (as opposed to resolution), for the future to keep with it and possbily expand on it.
Thanks for this unique perspective. Good food for thought.
January 3, 2012 at 11:56 pm (13 years ago)What a great list and a wonderful way to end 2011 on a lovely note of contemplation. I hope that you have an amazing 2012!