The 2011 Ironman is now a wrap here in Kona. It was yet another year of triumphs in so many ways. There were roughly 1800 people who came across that finish line this year. Everyone from the pros to those with a triathlon lifestyle to those who are everyday moms and dads to people like Scott Rigsby, double amputee who got to hear those words, “You are an Ironman” lived their own triumphant day.
The Inspiring Accomplishment in Hawaii
Finishing an Ironman in Hawaii no matter who you are or what time you did it in is an accomplishment. For all those that finished or even attempted to finish the Ironman here in Kona this year…
- Congratulations.
- Great job.
- You did well.
- You learned something about yourself.
- You will have gone on a journey that will live within you forever.
- The memories will be of the journey’s accomplishment; not your Timex, or what spot you finished in.
Ironman Inspiration to A Better Place within Yourself
For many watching an Ironman is pure inspiration. It could be running a 5K to doing a shorter distance triathlon, a Half Ironman or even set your sights on completing an Ironman. It could be as simple as exercising every day, walking, yoga, a daily jaunt with the dog. The inspiration is yours to create.
The important thing in our lives is to have a something that inspires ourselves and in turn inspires others. That doesn’t mean think about it, wish you could do it, or hope to do it in the future. The time is now.
If you are thinking of committing to one of these things I encourage you to start today.
As inspiration coach of both people and dogs here are a few tips on getting started. Those with dogs will see this viewpoint clearly. And those of you without dogs, start wagging your tail and playing every day as if you had dog recess playtime as one of your required job descriptions!
Training for a 5K, Triathlon or Ironman Like A Dog
First, dogs love to go. Anywhere. Any time. Pick up the leash or a set of keys and the excitement to go comes out in a four legged dance with mad tail wagging on top of all of that.
Do your workout the same. Get a plan. Tons of places to find them, (training plans) but more importantly, decide what you are going to do for a workout in the morning. When you get up, act like the dog, like you can hardly wait to get out the door. It’s soooo exciting.
Get the leash, the keys (shoes, swim suit, bike, or even the dog) and get out the door. As a habit. Wag about it.
It won’t be long and you WILL begin to feel that way. Really.
Forget about a watch and how fast you are going at whatever specific exercise you are doing. At least at first. Just go. And pretend to be the dog while you go. Wag at each and every little thing. Be grateful for the day and the fact that you get to go out and move.
If people like Scott Rigsby can do it. So can you.
Thanks for reading. My hope is to give you inspiration and thought provoking ideas to take your very next step in creating your own paradise from where you are now! Please subscribe to Big Island Dog and follow me on Twitter. Retweets are cool too.
As a 9 time Ironamn finisher, author and creator of 5K Training Guide | Running with Dogs and K9 Cross Fitness Classes in Kailua Kona Hawaii I encourage you to make that change you want so badly today!
Aloha Wags!

October 18, 2011 at 1:39 am (13 years ago)Thanks JT for the gentle kick in the butt! I just realized I had commit to taking up running this year and I’m using excuses such as I need warm running clothes, It’s too dark in the mornings… I won’t bore you with the other excuses. that’s a great idea to just get excited about it, I’m excited about what it would mean to me and my life if I do it, the sense of achievement and the energy that accompanies it.
have a great day
Jt Clough
October 18, 2011 at 10:09 am (13 years ago)Ciara,
So funny that you write about the excuses… I’m just writing an article titled: Simply Run.
You don’t need special clothes! 🙂 You’ll feel great even if it’s your PJ’s! Go do it. Thanks for your comment.
Aloha Wags!
Patti Foy | Lightspirited Being
October 19, 2011 at 2:56 pm (13 years ago)Hi JT,
I’m moderator over at the A-list anatomy thread you’ve been commenting on. I just had to come see your site (and theme) once I saw the name, since I’m a big dog lover AND have a few soft spots in my heart for the big island also. My husband and I made some similar changes as you, but landed in the high desert instead of a tropical island. With dogs, of course. (In fact, check out my latest post, and vote for dogs!) 🙂
Nice to meet you. I’ll be back!
Jt Clough
October 19, 2011 at 9:33 pm (13 years ago)Aloha Patti,
Thanks for coming by. Went on by Lightspirited Being and of course voted for the dogs. 🙂 Glad you also made a move with dogs to live your dreams.
Interestingly enough Courtney is one of my collaborators on this site and made putting it together a fabulous project. Love her.
Will tweet the post and info around. It’s such a great thing. One Million for Good.
Mahalo for your thoughts.
Tess The Bold Life
October 20, 2011 at 2:35 pm (13 years ago)Jt,
I love this post. I always cry when I see the physically challenged athletes. One of my twins was born without her right hand and she is a triathlete. They make all the couch potatoes in the world look bad!
It’s hard to make excuses when I watch their determination. I’ll never forget how excited Kristy was when she had her bike custom fit for her stub.