I don’t watch tv much. In fact I didn’t have one for 8 months. It was really awesome. However, my husband loves tv and since I do my thing and spend time writing and reading, the type of activity he doesn’t really participate with me in, he got a tv for himself.
I’m really glad we have a home that has an ohana as it’s called here in Hawaii (a place for friends and family to stay seperate from our general living area). That’s where the tv is conveniently located, in my opinion anyway. I don’t have to hear it or watch unless I choose to do so. Which is very rarely. Tonight was one of those nights. I watched The X Factor (like American Idol) with my husband. The artist aspect was intriguing.
The Gaga Factor
A 21 year old petite girl got on stage, wearing a colorful strappy dress slit up the side. Black bikini peaking out. High boots. Hair bleached. Bright eye make up. Red lips. Artful tattoo crawling down her arm.
When asked what she did with her life besides sing, she said she was an auto mechanic and planned on building race cars.
She preceded to let her voice rip and she rhythmically moved about the stage. She acted like a pro. She was confident. She had her look. She was doing her thing. She engaged the live audience. She engaged me. She was showing who she is. She had her own style.
It was different than Lady Gaga but the idea was there. She had her own thing going about the way she looked, and what she’s choosing to do with her life.
It made me think about my “looks” throughout various life stages. I’ve always had my own sort of “look”. But the thing that struck me tonight was that as age happens is it just expected that we calm down the look? Become more like the norm, whatever that is?
Am I too old for the Gaga look?
Lucky for me at 47 I’ve decided I’m not. But for a few years I was living like I was.
I realize I had become much more conservative. I started fitting in. Looking like everyone else.
For me the move to Hawaii changed my wardrobe drastically. First of all, I got rid of most of it. The things I do wear now, I wear because I want to and it works with the weather. Most days I wear short shorts, short skirts, big hoop earrings. I started wearing eye liner again because I like it. I wear a bikini most days. I have some really cool necklaces that were all tangled up before I moved. I straighten them out, kept the cool ones and now I wear them again. I like whimsical.
This is Your Life. Wear What You Want.
I don’t have that many things any more but they are different and I realized watching the show that ThIs Is My Life, wear what I want.
What’s your Gaga look?
Are you hiding behind what you think everyone else thinks you are supposed to wear?
Are you sporting a certain look because everyone around you decided it was this year’s fashion statement?
Do you think it’s ok to wear short skirts at almost 50?
Can you be a minimalist and have your Gaga look? I say yes, how about you?
Thanks for reading. My hope is to give you inspiration and thought provoking ideas to take your very next step in creating your own paradise from where you are now! Please subscribe to Big Island Dog and follow me on Twitter. Retweets are cool too.

Tess The Bold Life
October 3, 2011 at 3:20 am (13 years ago)Hi,
I wear shorts and flip flops most days in Arizona. Other wise it’s my running clothes;)