As I got up this morning and started what I plan to make my new habit (actually am signing up for the course in October included in the The Power of Baby Steps article), and thought I’d go ahead and start with what I’m passionate about first thing this morning.
Writing. Then some time in the Ocean. After all, I live in Hawaii and GET TO swim with dolphin regularly.
What am I realizing I don’t need to be doing anymore? Where have I been wasting A LOT of time? (You can find out where you waste your time by participating in the make time mini mission)
Facebook. As I read the 114th post about hating the new format, suddenly I woke up. Who cares really? Is this what my life is about?
This is my life. Is Facebook what I’m going to look back on and reflect about how much fun it was, even possibly wish I had spent more time doing, or would I be better off spending my time doing more of this….
This is your life.
Do what you love.
Do it often.
If you don’t like something; change it.
If you don’t like your job; quit.
If you don’t have enough time stop watching tv.
If you are looking for the love of your life; stop.
They will be waiting for you when you start doing the things you love.
Stop over analyzing. Life is simple.
All emotions are beautiful.
When you eat appreciate every last bite.
Open your mind heart and arms to new things and people.
We are united in our differences.
Ask the next person you see what their passion is.
Share your inspiring dream with them.
Travel often.
Getting lost will help you find yourself.
Some opportunities only come once.
Seize them.
Life is about the people you meet and the things you create with them.
So go out out and start creating.
Life is short.
Live your dream.
And share your passion.
This is your life. What are you doing with it?
Thanks for reading. My hope is to give you inspiration and thought provoking ideas to take your very next step in creating your own paradise from where you are now! Please subscribe to Big Island Dog and follow me on twitter, Facebook and Google+

Michael Burkey
September 25, 2011 at 12:48 am (13 years ago)Your blog post and this video is so very true. In the past three years, I have learned much of these messages. I still need to remind myself of them from time to time but they are very much becoming my reality. It is where I focus my time, talent, energy, and passion; the things that matter and most importantly with the people that matter in my life.
By focusing on what truly matters, I not only accomplish what I want but my life has also become much less stressed by things that really are not that important in the big picture of life.
Life is very much about the people you meet and the connections you create with them. As a professional dog trainer, I find this to be very true. I am very passionate about helping people better understand their dog and train their dog to have good manners so that they can enjoy awesome outdoor adventures together. I am much more than just their dog trainer. The relationship is much more like being a trusted coach and friend.
And, life is very short. With aging parents, a class mate who recently passed away and a friend recently sharing with me his situation; this message very much hits home. Instead of fearing what could happen, it is crucial that we live our dreams and live with passion. Embrace life!
Jt Clough
September 25, 2011 at 7:58 am (13 years ago)Awesome Micheal. Yes, life is short and we need to cherish every single day. You are much more than a dog trainer. Its is the joy of seeing people take the next step for themselves and their dogs to happier, healthier times that makes it more than a wonderful profession to be in.
Tess The Bold Life
September 26, 2011 at 5:19 pm (13 years ago)Hi Jt,
Love this. I’m excited you’re doing the habit course. I’ll see ya in the habit forum. It’s an awesome course. This will be my third time. You are doing fantastic here.
Jt Clough
September 28, 2011 at 10:24 pm (13 years ago)Mahalo Tess. I so appreciate the “fantastic” comment. 🙂
I’m really excited to be part of the Habit Course. Feel like I’ve got a friend in the forum already and the integrity and success of the creators and others like you that will also be there is incredible.