Ever find yourself in a situation where you just don’t even want to be hanging out with the person who has nabbed you as “my best friend”? Yet there you are, not even a week after the last time you said you weren’t going to do that again, sitting at a coffee house, wasting time away, listening to diatribe you really don’t even care about, or worse yet smack about someone else.

Blah. Blah. Blah. No substance. Not creating a better feeling about anything in life.

Or, your cell goes off and when the name flashes on the screen you let it go to voice mail so you can text back avoiding the awful feeling of wasting time speaking to the person, about nothing, or about something negative, or about nothing at all. And it happens with this same person a lot?

Still you find yourself not long after listening to the message sending a text back. Again wasting your time as the thoughts steal more of your time. Out of some unknown reason you feel obligated to respond.

That text you sent wasted time you could have used to create your dreams, more of what you want, or even the space to invite someone into your life that contributes and is moving forward to more of good and less bitching, complaining, gossiping, and just plain taking the time you have to do something worth feeling really great about.

 The People You Spend Time With

If either of those scenarios happen to you it shouldn’t be a big surprise at this point – you have dream smashers in your life. Time to move on.

You tend to emulate the conglomeration of the 5 people you spend the most time with.

List those 5 people right now and then take a good realistic look at what they are contributing to your life. As well, what do you contribute to their life? Do these people even have time to listen to your contribution or is most of your time together spent criticizing other people? Are these people active or do they constantly talk about what they used to do?

Create Your List of Reasons

The first step to get rid of your dream smashers and move towards creating more of who you want to be and what you really want is to begin your mission to say no. For some reason these dream smasher type people are really good at the guilt factor so prepare yourself to exit gracefully.

Make a list of things you’d rather being doing than listening to some downer person stealing your time to create your best self. Have the list handy so when you are caught off guard in snare like questions…. what are you doing? Do you wanna go to? I called your cell but you didn’t pick up, why? You have some automatic authentic come backs.

It won’t be long and you won’t need the list of “good” excuses. You’ll start finding other people and things to fill your time with that match more of what you really want to do. You’ll find the time to do those things when the dream smashers start falling off the radar. It doesn’t take long when you don’t buy into the complaining negative program for these people to find others to sign on. Just don’t let it be you any more.

There is way too much good to be gotten out there to keep wasting your precious time on dream smashers. Not that they are bad people, they just aren’t part of your ideal dream life.

Thanks for reading.  My hope is to give you inspiration and thought provoking ideas to take your very next step in creating your own paradise from where you are now!  Please subscribe to Big Island Dog and follow me on twitter, Facebook and Google+

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4 Comments on Dream Smashers | The People You Know

  1. Peter Schwab
    September 7, 2011 at 12:57 pm (14 years ago)

    Those are wonderful thoughts. Often times we are surrounded by people who bring us down, who don’t believe in us, etc., and unfortunately so many of those people are in our family, but I believe you still have to separate yourself from them. It’s something I’ve had to do and I am so much better for it. Good Luck!

    • Jt Clough
      September 7, 2011 at 2:34 pm (14 years ago)

      Yes Peter you are so right on the subject of family members. I’ve had to deal with this one as well. It is more difficult to set boundaries with a family member who in the long run is smashing our dreams out of guilt. Once realized setting boundaries and choosing who we spend out time with becomes much easier and the freedom to be who we are and believe in our own dreams opens wide up!

      Go be you and believe your dreams are possible without a doubt!

  2. Tess The Bold Life
    September 13, 2011 at 12:40 pm (13 years ago)

    I grew up on an 88 acre produce farm and know what it’s like to eat fresh and home grown all day everyday. I like to settle in the middle of this debate or too much time is spent on food. There”s nothing growing in the dessert most of the time here in AZ.

    • Jt Clough
      September 13, 2011 at 3:46 pm (13 years ago)

      Hi Tess,
      Think you might have meant to leave this comment on: http://www.bigislanddog.com/2011/09/eat-local-food-challenge/

      I do hear exactly what you are saying. We lived in Taos, NM and though there was a lot of things growing in the Summer and Fall there was nothing in the Winter or Spring!

      I’m finding in this experiment even in an environment where there is more abundance in fresh grown food, livestock and fish, it’s still a project much easier said then done.

      My hope in the radical-ness of this is to bring awareness to eating more fresh food and buy local when you can.

      Mahalo Nuiloa (thanks very much in Hawaiian) for the comment.

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