The Keauhou Lavaman Triathlon went off without a hitch.  The beauty of this race is the wonderful sense of community that evolves in the midst of the most sought after triathlon mecca; the Ironman World Championships.

There are always parts of each race which makes it special above and beyond the finish line clock or what place you finished in your age division.  These are the things that keep it feeling like family and weaving lifelong memories for those who participate.

You Don’t Have To Have the Latest of Everything to Join

Triathlon started as a sport that attracted those who really went about life beating to their own drum rhythm.  There really wasn’t a certain look and you didn’t have to fit into a certain type of gear to be part of the sport in days gone by.

It all really started as a way to have a whole lotta fun, be who you are and not take life so seriously.   In recent times triathlon can become another thing people tend to put too much pressure on themselves about.  Too much “gotta have” beats out “enjoy doing it your way now”.  Focus on what we don’t have stops us from using what we already have to actually do what we want today.

Inspiration to Be Who You Are

The lesson of our economic times speaks loudly and clearly of simplifying.  Spending our time focusing on the important moments in seizing the day rather than all the small details of worry that can stop one from even beginning to live life on your own terms today.

One of the participants in the Keahou Lavaman once again was Cowman.  What you have to love about Cowman is he lives his life doing what he loves in his own style.   It’s a great lesson.

Watch the video and picture what you’d do to live life doing what you want in your own way.  Though this video was done in 2006 Cowman is still going strong in 2011, doing life his way.

Love to hear your version of what you pictured as doing life your way in the comments!

Aloha Wags

Special thank you to Gerry Rott, owner and race director of the Lavaman Triathlons.  She not only contributes in significant tremendous ways to her community, but she does life her way and it shows in her pure enjoyment and relaxed style of life on the Island.


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4 Comments on Triathlon Tidbits of Inspiration from Kona

  1. Cheryl Palen
    September 2, 2011 at 7:25 pm (14 years ago)

    Are you the same Cowman we used to see at Catalina Marathon and Western State in the 80s? You haven’t aged a bit if it’s the “same” you! 😉 Wondered where you had disappeared to !

    • Jt Clough
      September 2, 2011 at 7:52 pm (14 years ago)

      It’s the same Cowman. He lives here in Kona still and is still doing his thing! Doing the Tuscon marathon next.
      I wrote the article as a way to recognize those who step out and do things in their own way and how it tends to lead to a life of real joy, for a very long time.
      Cowman marches on for sure and will continue to do so!
      Aloha Wags!

  2. Tess The Bold Life
    September 4, 2011 at 8:00 pm (14 years ago)

    I love this post. I witnessed the Ironman when a good friend got in by lottery.

    My daughter is a triathlete and she’s getting married during the rock n roll marathon in Vegas. In the middle of the run! Fun stuff!

  3. David Laffeym
    April 14, 2012 at 4:00 am (13 years ago)

    I met the Cowman on a flight from Chicago to Manchester, NH yesterday on his way to the Boston Marathon. What an inspiration. 68 years ok’d and h just keeps going doing what he loves. Good luck Cowman !

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